The files in this directory contain updated builds of subsets of the Model Railroad System, specifically those parts relating to LCC/OpenLCB. The builds here contain updates from on-going development of the LCC/OpenLCB features of the Model Railroad System and will be uploaded on an irregular basis. Right now these builds are based on updates to the 2.1.39 release. The builds are only for selected architectures, namely, x86_64 and Armv7l (32bit) Linux and 32-bit MS-Windows. The source for these builds is available via GitHub at Sun Oct 23 11:45:21 2016 LCCP3: Add Print/Export functions to CDI Editor tool. Groups, Replications, and Segments can be "Exported" as PDF (printable), text, XML, and CSV (can be imported into Excel or oocalc or Goggle Docs) files. Updated and completed function and member documentation in ConfigurationEditor.tcl. Sun Oct 9 13:52:13 2016 LCCP2: Minor bulleting prooffing of CDI protocol handling. Fixed numerious bugs in OpenLCB_Logic.tcl. Add VerifyNodeID to populate NID Alias maps to all OpenLCB_* programs and to Dispatcher panel code. Add in -name and -discription options to ConnectToOpenLCB call in Dispatcher panel code. Tue Sep 20 14:41:20 2016 LCCP1: The node tree listing code of OpenLCB has been broken out as a separate widget. This allows for other programs to contain a node tree listing and additionally include memory configuration and a CDI based configuration editor. The Dispatcher program now generates OpenLCB CTC panels that include the option of Event logging (useful for diagnosis), manually injecting events (again useful for diagnosis), and a node tree listing window complete with memory configuration and a CDI based configuration editor.